What do Taylor money-in-my-shoes Momsen and John Galliano have in common? They both like attention, and lots of it. So it should come as no surprise that Galliano has asked Momsen to be the face of his new perfume launching this fall. But of course anyone who knows anything about Momsen is...well...surprised. It just seems a bit questionable, no?
Momsen doesn't exactly have all the trappings of a model spokeswoman. First, she's going through that lovely I'm-repressed-because-I'm-a-young-female-and-now-I-must-senselessly-rebel stage of life that most 16 year old girls go through. In just the past couple of weeks Momsen and her band, The Pretty Reckless, released a music video for their latest single Miss Nothing, that features her squirming around in lingerie on a dinner table reminiscent of Jesus' last meal with the Twelve Apostles, The Last Supper.
Second, she has a penchant for poor wardrobe decisions and really has no business messing with couture icons. Like Lohan, Momsen also appears to have a pants allergy.
Lastly, perhaps Momsen’s biggest crime at the moment is being a potty mouth, but that's how it all starts doesn't it? First it's "I'm not dissing Miley personally. However...." then before you know it she's shaving her head and getting mug shots for her latest run in with the law.
But let's not jump the gun. According to the folks over at Galliano, Ms. Momsen can bring in the bucks and they're not the only ones who believe so. Momsen has also posed for British retailer New Look and Madonna and daughter Lourdes' teenage fashion line, Material Girl. Everyone always wants a piece of train-wreck pie. I’m sure adolescents fuming with teenage angst everywhere will be cutting into their cigarette funds to smell like Momsen. It's actually a brilliant business decision when you think of the lucrative market Galliano is targeting. Most perfumers are too busy targeting young adults, and older women leaving teenagers an untapped market. As long as Momsen doesn't get arrested before fall this just may be a great partnership for the perfume house.
R.I.P Little J
I had no idea who this was... I've seen her name around more and more often. So I see she's an export...
And only 16? Wow. Um.
Though I think she is an interesting choice for Galliano's new campaign, I think it's worth the risk. She's got sex appeal, and that will sell...
I wasn't familiar with her either, but I came across a youtube video of her singing and I like her contralto voice. It intrigued me to learn a little bit more.
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